Brandon Reid til Aalborg Pirates
Pressemeddelelse - Ny træner i Aalborg Pirates
Canadiske Brandon Reid kommer til klubben som ny cheftræner med en meget flot spillerkarriere bag sig – og da han i sæsonen 2014/15 var træner for talenterne i Vojens IK, viste han sig også som et stort talent i det regi.
Den kommende cheftræner, Brandon Reid, troede nemlig, at han skulle spille professionel ishockey mange sæsoner endnu. Men en flot karriere, der har sendt den canadiske fighter til både NHL, AHL, KHL, DEL og Nationalliga A i Schweiz, så begyndelsen til enden, da Reid i sæsonen 2012/13 var involveret i et grimt uheld, der kostede resten af hans aktive karriere.
Trænermæssigt kender vi Brandon Reid fra Sønderjyske, hvor han var chef for spillerudviklingen,1. divisions samt U20 og er derfor vant til at arbejde med unge spillere og spås en stor trænerfremtid. Brandon Reid har det sidste år arbejdet for Hockey Canada.
How familiar are you with Aalborg and the youth project in the club?
For me Aalborg has all the qualities to become a powerful group in couple years as I've seen the young talent while I was here in Denmark coaching in Vojens. The city and the people of Aalborg and the arena are the perfect place to have a contending team.
How are your coaching style and style of play?
My style of coaching all starts with a very disciplined on and off ice atmosphere. I'm a firm believer that to succeed a team must be mentally strong as a group. Style of play is fast paced puck possession game that creates excitement .. But very structured. We must move as a team on and off the ice to create that connection that will change our team into a family!!
Why did you chose to come to Aalborg?
Being part of changing a culture and working with young talent during my time with Hockey Canada and Vojens was something that I am very passionate about and after talking with management I believe that we can achieve that in Aalborg. I also think this is a perfect fit for me and my wife and our new baby girl on the way.
Vi ønsker Brandon Reid velkommen til Aalborg Pirates.
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